The eleventh meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The eleventh meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on December 19, 2022. At the meeting, 8 credit funds were approved from the following bodies of the NGO "Sweets of Asia”, LLC” Makvioli“, OU” quality enterprise", OU”Sosna LTD", LLC”Rakhmatulloev Sukhrob", LLC” Atabat“, LLC” yasny Kassob “ in the amount of 16.6 million somoni.


The ninth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The ninth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on August 4, 2022. At the meeting, 4 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “Tojik Crystal LLC”, “Arai TJ LLC”, “Fabrikai kanodii Shirin CJSC” and “Salim Pharma LLC” for a total amount of 23.0 million somoni.


The eighth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The eighth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on April 12, 2022. The meeting approved 10 loan applications from the following organizations: “Charm LLC”, “Afzaliyat Group LLC”, “Fabrikai kanodii Amiri LLC”, “Pokiza M LLC”, “Shermatova N.G. LLC”, “Sobirova Zebuniso LLC”, “Intermebel CJSC", “Lavh LLC ", "Euro Dez LLC” and Individual Entrepreneur Aminov Valijon for a total of 49.2 million somoni.


The seventh meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The seventh meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on October 7, 2021. At the meeting, 5 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “IM Nasojii Tojik LLC”, “Murgi Pokiza LLC”, ‘Real Trading LLC”, “Zarafshoni Sino LLC”, “Taj Pharma LLC” for a total amount of 23.5 million somoni.


The sixth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The sixth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on August 3, 2021. At the meeting, 2 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “Shirinihoi Osiyo LLC” and “KAM Zebo LLC” for a total amount of 3.6 million somoni.


The fifth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The fifth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on April 27, 2021. At the meeting, 2 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “Shevo LLC” and “Aquajuice LLC” for a total amount of 6.5 million somoni


The fourth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The fourth meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on March 19, 2021. At the meeting, 5 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “Bisot LLC”, “Shahri Zeboi Mo LLC”, “Sobirov B.G. LLC”, “Farmiko LLC”, “Hammol Trans LLC” for a total amount of 14.1 million somoni.


The third meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The third meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on January 14, 2021. At the meeting, 2 loan applications were approved from the following organizations: “Makolli LLC” and “Nerui Shark LLC” for a total amount of 5.0 million somoni.


The second meeting of the Fund's Supervisory Board

The second meeting of the Fund's Supervisory Board was held on October 24, 2020. At the meeting, 4 loan applications from the following organizations were considered: “Afzaliyat Group LLC”, “Shabakai Asr LLC”, “IM Nasojii Tojik LLC” for a total amount of 10.9 million somoni.


The first meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund

The first meeting of the Supervisory Board of the Fund was held on July 9, 2020. At the meeting, 6 loan applications from the following organizations were considered: “Firuz Binokor LLC”, “Gardi 2015 LLC”, “Armon-21 LLC”, “Murgi Pokiza LLC”, “Ruhom LLC” and “Charm LLC” for a total amount of 18, 5 million somoni.


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